Solr Upgrade in Place
- Under 'archive' project, modify the solr version in the build.gradle file then rebuild the solrdist.
- Copy the solrdist to the target machine, and follow the instructions here to deploy the new solr instance.
- Remember to remove the core you don't need.
- This solrdist creates 3 cores for you – gis, index, and shingles.
- Go to /usr/local/solr/server/solr and remove the cores that you are not using.
- Check the solrconfig.xml that the core is pointing to the correct data directory.
- Restart solr
- Command: sudo systemctl restart solr
clinecenterforadvancedsocialresearch/cyberinfrastructureteam/troubleshootingtips/solrupgradeinplace.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 12:58 by