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Solr Upgrade in Place

  1. Under 'archive' project, modify the solr version in the build.gradle file then rebuild the solrdist.
  2. Copy the solrdist to the target machine, and follow the instructions here to deploy the new solr instance.
  3. Remember to remove the core you don't need. 
    1. This solrdist creates 3 cores for you – gis, index, and shingles. 
    2. Go to /usr/local/solr/server/solr and remove the cores that you are not using.
  4. Check the solrconfig.xml that the core is pointing to the correct data directory.
  5. Restart solr
    1. Command: sudo systemctl restart solr

clinecenterforadvancedsocialresearch/cyberinfrastructureteam/troubleshootingtips/solrupgradeinplace.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 12:58 by

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