====== Current Systems ====== Lodestar 5.0 http://lodestar-5-prod.clinecenter.illinois.edu:8080/ \\ Archer 5.0 (SSL only works on archer.clinecenter.illinois.edu) https://archer.clinecenter.illinois.edu/ https://archer-5-prod.clinecenter.illinois.edu/ \\ Production Storm UI http://tornado.clinecenter.illinois.edu:8090/index Other storm machines: typhoon, hurricane \\ ====== Backend Monitoring Systems ====== ^Server ^Purpose ^ |[[http://gl.clinecenter.illinois.edu/|gl.clinecenter.illinois.edu]] |This is a graylog instance that is aggregating log files. Currently we have syslog and some audit and metric logs ingested. Future ingest of web server and app logs will be happening. | |[[http://gr.clinecenter.illinois.edu/|gr.clinecenter.illinois.edu]] |Grafana instance that is pointed to some time series and metric log data. There are some dashboards that show system metrics, mongodb metrics, and some data on top memory and cpu processes.| |[[http://ch.clinecenter.illinois.edu/|ch.clinecenter.illinois.edu]] |Chronograf interface to the time series data. | |[[http://waz.clinecenter.illinois.edu/|waz.clinecenter.illinois.edu]]|Wazuh frontend to host security, intrusion detection, compliance, and vulnerability assessment. | |[[http://zb.clinecenter.illinois.edu|zb.clinecenter.illinois.edu]] |Zabbix monitoring. Still needs to get accounts setup and get a playbook put together to migrate off of the old Atlas Zabbix instance. |